Thursday, 7 April 2011


I chose this project over the others as i felt it would challenge my creative thinking more and i was right, i knew prior to this that for this brief work you had to have a good idea. I started the brief researching as much as possible so that i could get as much inspiration as possible, i had many ideas in which i brainstormed to get down on paper, i ended up going for the government one mainly because its a big issue at the moment. I started to struggle not on ideas but the target audience and how to target your audience part, i would come up with ideas on the government but then realised they weren't for everyone. I then thought of my bleeding text ideas and that these posters would be a peace campaign but that fell through due to the style, i then discovered how difficult typography was because i could think of ideas but i couldnt get the design i wanted.
      My ideas came across negative and depressing rather than bright and inspiring, my main focus was to get people to think and then when i thought of doing a quote of Bill Hicks i found the transition from depressing and negative to bright and inspiring. I had a lot of interest in this idea and during my time designing my outcomes i started to understand the beauty of typography more, the grid systems, the leading, hiracy and size became more beautiful compared to me just seeing letters in different positions before. I had liit time for the magazine idea but i felt that it would make the outcomes look better so i pushed myself to get it done in time and because of the mass amount of research i did prior that when it came to designing the spread, i could do it much easier to a more understanding of type.
     Overall i felt that the project came out strong, i went through a lot of ideas but im glad i have been faced with a brief where ive had a mind block of development and creativity because it shows me that i can get through it. If i was to do the project again i would plan my project out better and not leave some items (magazine) until late, i believe if i had planned better i could of really opened up this brief and done more for it e.g. advertising for the magazine, more quote posters etc.

How i will present it.

Im going to print each outcome individually but for the magazine part im going to present it like this...
Its the front of the magazine, the middle and then the back.

A few ads

I superimposed my outcomes on to street advert boards to show how the message can be put across...
The marijuana poster has the magazine logo on which does advertise it but the magazine isnt about getting dominance in this industry but more getting the word across. I think this type of magazine will spread by word much better plus its against the corporate ads which are in your face all the time.

Finished cover and spread!

You have seen the cover before and it exactly the same apart from this time its girded better and everything has been redone in Indesign, the spread i change abit as you will see...
I tried a lot of layout ideas and i liked this one best for the spread, the copy isnt realy but it gives you an example of what it would look like, i have written about Bill though and if you wanna read the copy here it is...
" Bill Hicks was one of the greatest men recently to walk the planet, his words of wisdom opened up peoples mind and in doing so made them see the truth of the reality we life in. Back in 1985 he predicted we would end up as a corporate world and our kids will be corporate kids and as I look around me today I see his predictions come to life, kids are being targeted at a young age by the corporate giants so that they trust them.

The corporations have gained mass amounts of money and power and their greed mixes with the governments as the evil spawns of Satan continue to destroy our planet. His name not die in vain, since his death his words have spread and more an more people are seeing the truth on how we are being controlled and that life is just a ride. Lets awaken more people through peace and love and maybe we can take our world back.

To many people like Bill Hicks have died but if we all become free minded and see the world in the way he did and the way we should maybe that will be they key to taking down these Satan spawns.. This isn’t right and as Bill once said lets end war and spend the money feeding, clothing and educating everyone all over the world and lets explore space – TOGETHER. "

Theres a few sentences missing on the design but i had to make it fit on.
I changed the outcome on the right because i felt this ws more relevant and it looks better, the other outcome will be the back of the magazine. 
You may notice the spread isnt full on swiss style thats because i decided to do my own style.

Finished the 3 outcomes

They are fully finished, i have put them in Indesign, shaped the layout using a grid system and i have my outcomes. Each line is 4mm from the next, i tried 5mm but that was abit too big on the whole picture but im really happy with them and here they are..
The middle image is slightly different to the others as the words in different fonts dont stick the the grid i made but this is what i wanted because there is alot of text, so instead of it being the same size it breaks the barriers and stand out plus it make them stand out much more. The final word "unnatural?" is way off the grid system and that because its unnatural and isnt right but for the perfectionist out there the top of the question mark is still 4mm away from the line above.

The spread

So its kinda late now but this is what my spread i made looks like at this moment in time...
Im not too sure whether it should be this outcome or the black outcome on this spread so i may change.

Magazine spread research

I quite like the way the text comes into the page on the top image, the second image i like the long block text, the 3rd image is a swiss style of typography which i really like and i think i may do something like this but i wanted to look at it more so i looked at some examples..

The cover

So the cover is done, this one i show is properly 97% of what it will actually look like but i made all this on Photoshop so im yet to finish it and put it into Indesign. This is the cover..
I took inspiration for the top part being dedicated to the logo and content by the STEP magazine i researched. I put the world map on the right to show 1. unite within the book and how we take everyone view into consideration 2. To show the book isnt just about one or two countries.

Quick logo

The magazine doesnt have to be done but its an optional extra which im doing but the magazine needs a logo and i dont have much time so i quickly thought about the name "thinkaboutit" then i thought of the think! logo which is based off the exclamation mark so why dont i do the question mark. This was my first idea concept drawn in...
I then thought i could wrap the text inside it but i didnt like it especially when i turned it into vector.

I then thought well this is a magazine full of thoughts which will be different from others and the magazine is all about different-ness therefor i made this logo...

Its based on how everyone different and how they are all beautiful.

Little look at typography magazine covers

This magazine isnt a typography magazine but i find that typography covers have a nice style so im going to look at them for inspiration, heres a few i looked at...
I already know what will be on the front i just wanted to look at what and how other magazines placed theres logos and content info.

I also search "magazine cover" but all the celerity stuff came up which i do not want so i then search "design magazine cover"..
I like the style of the but the bit i like most is that the top 5th is dedicated to the logo, i may do something like this but im not too sure yet. Still thinking about the barcode and the ZA magazine doesnt have it on the front so should mine?...

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

What im going to do.

The brief says define your market and how will you target it.

My posters are there to make you think, i want you to read it and start thinking about it says and that hopefully will lead onto other thoughts and start questioning but mainly its to make you think and therefor i will design a new magazine cover and a feature spread. The magazine will be called "Thinkaboutit" and its a smart magazine with thoughts on the world without any bias media behind it.

The outcomes

Not finished entirely yet but these are the 3 not 4 outcomes, im not doing 4 anymore because i think a set of 3 is better plus the other quote didnt work aswell as the others...
Im very happy with these outcomes but i have more planned for them in  which i will explain in next post.

The last design i did perfect on Photoshop, i used grid systems to make it to the exact but then i realised you do type in Indesign so it was a waste but this is my screengrabs of me using my grid system ..


I was struggling with a colour scheme for my posters but i found these posters which have great colours..
The red one i especially like, the style is nice to but ive already got mine so im just going to use these colours, the colours look like the saturation have been turned down and i commented about this in my in an earlier post so im going to go with that - lower saturation colours.

progress so far..

Ive done two of my 4 outcomes and when i look back at them im struggling with the right colours, here are what the look like...
I originally started with the font being "Impact" but then i found the font for the handwritten curly parts called "Reklame Script" which i downloaded for free of, i felt that the sharp corners of Impact didnt look right so i was browsing through other fonts and found this font i already had called "Headline" which i downloaded from I dont like the black but cant find a better solution than what ive got however im gonna soldier on and try and figure out a colour theme whilst i do it.

Initial layout ideas

I sketched a few ideas out of the layout, i like the top left best and i think i will continue with that one, the top right i dont like, the bottom left i like but i dont think it will be as effective as the top left and the bottom right isnt right for this one.

Bill Hicks Quotes

I found this site which has nearly every good quote he has every said so if i get stuck on picking one ill look on there however these are a few from another site...

“A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. You think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fucking cross? It's like going up to Jackie Onassis wearing a rifle pendant.”
“They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it's not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.”

"Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.”
“If you don't think drugs have done good things for us, then take all of your records, tapes and CD's and burn them.”

“We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.”

“I have never seen two people on pot get in a fight because it is fucking IMPOSSIBLE. "Hey, buddy!" "Hey, what?" "Ummmmmmm...." End of argument.”

“It's always funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's just hilarious.”

“I smoke. If this bothers anyone, I suggest you look around at the world in which we live and shut your fuckin' mouth.”

“I love the Pope, I love seeing him in his Pope-Mobile, his three feet of bullet proof plexi-glass. That's faith in action folks! You know he's got God on his side.”   
“Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye.”

“I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are.”

“We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be free.”

“Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?” 

The best ones i like i have made bold and i will try and do a design based on them.

Idea coming together

So i didnt know what quote i wanted but i have found the guy.. BILL HICKS! This guy is incredible he sees life as you should and not what the mainstream wants you to view it, he tells reality on how it is and not the FAKE reality you are told to believe.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Quote Typography research

I love the hierarchy in all of these posters, they express the key words much better by putting them in a larger scale. The leading is the same on all these but that maybe because there was no need for different leading. These are all of film quotes but i dont want to do anything from a film but i can take how they expressed each word from them especially because theres only 1 font per poster.

The bottom image is very inspiring, i like how it uses a hierarchy of type to emphasize certain words and a change of font to emphasize other words. The same with the american one but i dont like that one nearly as much as the bottom one, the simple saturation turned down colours they use look really good.

New New Idea

With this brief being incredibly open in every specific way that im finding it hard to get an idea that will work BUT i have a new one.

The idea  is to recreate a famous quote in typography styling. My other ideas were very far fetched and this is much closer to home, im not sure what quote im using but right now im thinking:

I want the quote to be unique and inspiring.

Attempt 1

I would normally research first but i have this idea in my head which i needed to get down...
then flipped...

This idea is a "look at the whole picture" message, ignore the second image for a minute and concentrate on the top. At the top it say "WE ARE HUMAN" thats what we think, thats what we are but what doe society want us to be? thats the black underneath which says"WE ARE PRODUCTS". Each white has its negative in black as they are all paired, the white is the fake reality in which we want to see ourselves where the black is the harsh truth depending on how you want to look at it, the best thing about this outcome is that it makes you think and each individual person can have a competely different view. You can choose to believe the white or black and think the white or black is fake and not true.

I really like this idea but my tutor said that its not much typography and without explaining to him what it meant it was confusing, he also added that what would be the target audience for this.

I like this idea but i dont think its too personal and maybe biased so im going to scrap this idea due to trying to find out how i would show this to my target audience kind of hard.

Another New Idea

I felt the other idea was very negative and i didnt like the design i did but i have had this concept in my head since day 1, the concept is similar to the bleeding idea but this time a reflection of light and dark - reality and fake.

The design would have the reality statement then a reflection of that statement would be the fake.

Attempt 1

My attempt of what i may be going for..
Not too sure about this it is very sarcastic but will people get that? its a direct assualt on the government plus it doesnt have a message apart from "the government hates you".


Everything is OK

Few Everything is Ok related designs i found..
These are all ok but nothing special.

I found this one and its one of them wheres its so good its hard to think of something else to do because it just cant match it...
I may do something like this and by that i mean a image made up of type like this.