Thursday, 31 March 2011

Grid Systems

Just a few examples of grid systems in good use and grid systems..

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Nicolas Girard

I was looking and some typography designs and i found this one design which i really liked so i decided to look at the other stuff from this artist.

He has other stuff but these are the ones i really like, I like the idea of dripping/melting text and i would love to recreate that as it would work really well for fakery, the top image looks great because the added effects make it jump of the page and if combined with the 2 below would look better - maybe something i could do.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Typography Making Images

You see so much of this - type making up images personally i think its not needed but i the images i found stood out for me as worthy ones. The top one made me go "Woah" because of the shading within the type not sure if the changed each piece of type or the just set the actual image to multiply over the text. The Thai girl one (2nd from bottom) is another one i really like properly because its not a celebrity like most of them are or just another person, she looks different and the font used is different and its done by hand which make it 10times better.

Some examples of typography that makes me hate this style...
Hate these...

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Typography posters

I found some image in previous post about typography in real life and this has that feel to it, the wood chipping converting into type as they carve out the letter "g" in the wood.
Ive seen alot of this style, i think this image would maybe look better if the type was slighty curved so it would give the illusion of a round glass.
I really like this and the one above because of how they have a block sentence which they then emphasize certain words by changing the size and/or the font.
 Same artist who did the BAD TYPOGRAPHY in the post below, artist name: Craig Ward
Im not the biggest of fans when it comes to typography so i find when it mixes with other stuff this for example has water marks, it looks so much better. The font is really good on this image giving it a classy smart look.
This is like the Guinness pint one but a bit different, i like this one alot especially the "March 21 2008" which is the bottom of the hat, it gives it something different.